“Tuntuu, että vietän liikaakin aikaa Internetissä.”
Verkon pieni maailma virtuaalisena kotiseutuna
verkon käyttö, verkkopäiväkirja, virtuaalinen tila, informaatiokäyttäytyminenAbstract
Internet and its use form a significant part of everyday life. In this article, a concept of virtual homeland is modeled as those online applications and services which individuals find most appealing and essential to them in their everyday life. In this study, students reported their internet use by filling out an online diary in the form of a webropol survey. Four virtual homelands and user profiles were outlined and introduced as a result of these diaries. Individuals have specific forced applications that they have to use discussed as part of an online universe. However, those sites that draw them back and represent an important part of their online use construct their virtual homeland. The use of online services is not necessarily an active form of doing and producing content as much as passive consumption of different media or following friends and communities.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Elisa Kannasto, Ari Haasio

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