Lapsilähtöinen pedagogiikka varhaiskasvattajien kanssa konstruoituna


  • Leif Rosqvist Turun yliopisto, Finlad
  • Milla Kokko Turun kaupunki, Finland
  • Jarmo Kinos Turun yliopisto, Finland
  • Leena Robertson Middlesex University, UK
  • Maarika Pukk Tallinnan yliopisto, Viro
  • Nancy Barbour James Madison University, USA


 child-initiated pedagogies, lapsilähtöisyys, early childhood education, varhaiskasvatus, pedagogiikka


This paper is a showcase of child-initiated pedagogies as co-constructed with early childhood education practitioners in four countries: Finland, England, Estonia and the USA. The paper also seeks to construe high-quality child-initiated pedagogies. The committed practitioners of child-initiated pedagogies were asked to document a week of their in form of pedagogical diary. The data consists of 29 pedagogical diaries, out of which 351 child-initiated episodes were extracted. An abductive content analysis was performed on the data with the help of child-initiated framework consisting of three core components: child as a subject, reciprocal dialogue and emergent curriculum. The results emphasize the active roles of a practitioner in enabling reciprocal dialogue. Child-initiated pedagogies are not restricted by the type of activity, nor solely by child’s initiative. High-quality child-initiated episodes show deep commitment and meaningfulness, attained through careful consideration of adult role and structural flexibility.






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