Mistä varhaiskasvatuksen kaaoksessa on kysymys?





early childhood education, chaos, learning environment, interaction


The staff and resource shortage of ECE is affecting the everyday life in kindergartens across Finland. This study examines the chaos of ECE. The aim was to find out which factors in the learning environment are associated with high levels of chaos. The learning environment was approached from the perspective of process quality, focusing on the themes of interaction, pedagogical activities, and leadership. This study examined the actions of ECE staff and children in situations of high chaos. The interaction between the ECE staff and children was examined through social orientations.  The study was conducted by using the nationwide Progressive Feedback method. The data was collected in 2017-2021 by random sampling using two independent metrics, including observations (201 851) and learning environment evaluations (9485). 2653 ECE units from 18 different municipalities participated in the study. The data were analyzed with quantitative methods using principal component analysis, reliability analysis, correlation, and variance analysis. This study indicates that the chaos of ECE is connected to decreased resources and a lack of pedagogical leadership and professional competence. In addition, the chaos links to a cold social atmosphere and insensitivity between ECE staff and children. The chaos was estimated higher in routine situations and free play. The results also show that children were more likely to break the rules. In these chaotic situations, withdrawn and dominant orientations were found to be more common, showing that there was a lack of cooperation in the interaction between ECE staff and children. 


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