The storycrafting method: A systematic review




storycrafting, children's narrative, child perspective, storytelling


In most cultures, telling and listening to stories is an important part of childhood and adulthood. Storycrafting is one way of producing stories by giving the storytellers (children) the possibility to freely express themselves. The method was developed focusing on giving children extended tools for participative and democratic dialog with adults. Our systematic review aims to describe how the storycrafting method has been used in research and the extent of method evaluation. A PRISMA flow chart is presented, demonstrating the search process and the seven (7) articles meeting our search criteria after searching the following databases: Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, Cinahl, Web of Science, and ERIC. The results conclude that the body of research in the field of storycrafting is limited and versatile. The study provides an overview of the conducted studies and suggestions for further research are discussed.


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