Hannah Arendt kulttuurista ja taiteesta


  • Ville Aki Petteri Suuronen Jyväskylän yliopisto


Hannah Arendt on culture and art

This article examines Hannah Arendt as thinker of cultural policy by focusing on her reflections on culture and art. Even though Arendt is known primarily as a political theorist one can also read hear work in a broader sense as a philosophy of culture. This article discusses how Arendt’s various narratives of Western history are animated by the attempt to explain how we can come to terms with our fragmented past after what Arendt calls the breakdown of the Western cultural tradition in the modern age. The meaning of culture, narrativity and art as concepts for Arendt as well as her analysis of various art forms are dealt with in detail. I focus especially on the narrative and metaphorical aspects of art and philosophy in Arendt’s writings.

Keywords: Hannah Arendt, culture, politics, art, narrativity.





Suuronen, V. A. P. (2017). Hannah Arendt kulttuurista ja taiteesta. Kulttuuripolitiikan tutkimuksen vuosikirja, 52–66. https://doi.org/10.17409/kpt.60099