Katsaus koronan vaikutuksista taiteen ja kulttuurin alojen toimintaedellytyksiin ja kulttuuripolitiikkaan Suomessa


  • Olli Jakonen Cupore
  • Mervi Luonila Cupore
  • Vappu Renko Cupore
  • Anna Kanerva Cupore




An overview of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fields of art and culture and cultural policy in Finland

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the production, consumption, and participation in arts, culture, and creative industries globally in many ways. This overview illustrates the pandemic’s impacts in the fields of arts and culture and cultural policy in Finland.

Cultural policy actions taken by different countries in response to the pandemic are framed by varying national characteristics and social and economic contexts. In Finland, the relatively stable and inflexible cultural policy context is characterized for example by multiple funding sources and the established role of the state and municipalities.

In response to the pandemic, key cultural policy measures in Finland include the collecting of information and devising supporting initiatives, in cooperation with different actors. Pandemic has made the arranging of many arts and cultural activities difficult or impossible. It has also affected one of the key cultural policy aims: citizens’ possibilities to participate in arts and culture.

The impacts of the pandemic have varied significantly in different fields of arts and culture. Further research is needed, as the economic, social, and cultural implications of an ongoing pandemic cannot yet be comprehensively evaluated.

Keywords COVID-19, Finnish cultural policy, structures, funding




How to Cite

Jakonen, O., Luonila, M., Renko, V., & Kanerva, A. (2020). Katsaus koronan vaikutuksista taiteen ja kulttuurin alojen toimintaedellytyksiin ja kulttuuripolitiikkaan Suomessa. Cultural Policy Research Yearbook , 5(1), 50–59. https://doi.org/10.17409/kpt.100430