"Se oli niin semmonen tutkijakoulutus"

Alumnien kokemuksia kulttuuripolitiikan yliopisto-opintojen roolista asiantuntijuuden rakentumisessa


  • Miia Huttunen Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Mikko Jakonen
  • Kaisu Kumpulainen
  • Sanna Vierimaa
  • Emmi Villman




One of the central challenges of working life and education in the 21st century is the ability to recognise, acknowledge, and encounter different forms of knowledge and expertise. This is particularly evident in the cultural field, which is characterised by both the cooperation of actors beyond the fields of art and culture, and a project work -focused working life structure, which poses challenges for the training of experts. This article examines the challenges of the changing academic expertise in the context of university education in the cultural field. We approach expertise and its construction as a form of collective expertise, which is defined as a socially constructed process, based on the application of knowledge, competence, and learning. The data of the article consists of thematic interviews of eight alumni who studied subjects relevant to the cultural field. The analysis focuses on questions about how the alumni have felt that their studies supported both the development of their expertise and the transition to working life, and how the interviewees perceive the role of university studies in the field in the construction of their own expertise on the one hand and their working life skills on the other hand. Based on the data, the key challenge for the construction of university education -based expertise in the cultural field appears to be the inability to offer tools for the students to link versatile conceptual knowledge and practical competence and thus for building, articulating, and identify their own expertise already during their studies. 



How to Cite

Huttunen, M., Jakonen, M., Kumpulainen, K., Vierimaa, S., & Villman, E. (2023). "Se oli niin semmonen tutkijakoulutus" : Alumnien kokemuksia kulttuuripolitiikan yliopisto-opintojen roolista asiantuntijuuden rakentumisessa. Cultural Policy Research Yearbook , 7(1), 25–42. https://doi.org/10.17409/kpt.127926