Voimadynamiikan kognitiivinen merkitysrakenne ja sen säilyminen käännettäessä


  • Jukka Mäkisalo Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Marjatta Lehtinen Itä-Suomen yliopisto




kognitiivinen semantiikka, käsiterakenteet, voimadynamiikka, kääntäminen


This article demonstrates that cognitive linguistics – and here particularly cognitive semantics – can be effectively used in the description of translating and translation. We focus here on the cognitive structure of Force Dynamics that describes various relations of force between entities in semantics. 12 English clauses with Force Dynamics in their semantics and their 28 different translated versions in Finnish are analysed using Leonard Talmy’s (2000) concepts and theory on Cognitive Semantics. As earlier, this study confirms that cognitive semantic structures are retained more often than linguistic (lexical and grammatical) structures. It is shown here how the description of cognitive structures reveals semantic variation between various kinds of valid translation. It is also found that changing or omitting the cognitive structure of the source text in the target text does not necessarily mean fatal deterioration of the translated text excerpt; the outcome can still be a valid translation.


