Yhteisön voimaa

Käännöstutkijan ryhmiä ja verkostoja tiedeyhteisöstä tietoyhteisöön


  • Ritva Hartama-Heinonen Helsingin yliopisto




käännöstiede, kääntämisen tutkimus, tiedeyhteisö, diskurssiyhteisö, käytäntö- yhteisö, innovatiivinen tietoyhteisö


This article considers some potential theory-based approaches to researcher networks from the vantage point of Translation Studies. The aim is to promote disciplinary self-evaluation and thereby to foster scholarly self-awareness and self-understanding. The article analyses and interprets the translation scholars’ community in the light of four different community concepts: scientific community, discourse community, community of practice, and innovative knowledge community. By means of conceptual analysis, the article examines which qualities and facets of the (translation) research community are emphasized by each of these theoretical approaches. The analysis reveals, on the one hand, that despite having diverse disciplinary backgrounds and emphases, the examined conceptions of communities share several features and are, to a certain extent, compatible. On the other hand, some features can be contradictory, thereby shedding an intriguing light on the (translation) researchers’ community.


