Kävijät, puhujat, järjestäjät Katsaus KäTu-symposiumisarjan kymmenvuotiseen historiaan


  • Ritva Hartama-Heinonen Helsingin yliopisto
  • Outi Paloposki Turun yliopisto
  • Leena Salmi Turun yliopisto




jatko-opiskelijat, KäTu, kääntäjänkoulutusyksiköt, kääntäjät ja tulkit, Langnet, sisä- ja ulkopiiri, SKTL:n V jaosto, tutkijat ja tukijat, Vaasa, viittomakieli


KäTu is the abbreviation used to denote the Symposia of Translation and Interpreting Studies held in Finland since 2003. Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the KäTu activities, this article sheds light on the history and the development of these annual two-day symposia, and presents both qualitative and quantitative information starting from the very beginning, that is to say, from the planning and arranging of the first KäTu symposium in Turku 2003 (with a presymposium in Vaasa 2002) up to the present-day KäTu pursuits. The focus in this cross-section approach lies on those who have participated, on those who have given a plenary speech or read a section paper, as well as on those who have been involved in the organisation of the symposia.


