Ihanteesta todellisuuteen ja todellisuudesta ihanteeseen
tulkkaus, toimintatutkimus, tulkkauksen käytänteiden kehittäminenAbstrakti
The article discusses the implementation of the ideals of interpreting in the reality of varied interpreted events relying on the theory of action research. Action research is described as a process that aims at gradually improving an action by involving the participants of the activity in the development throughout the development process from the detection of a problem to the evaluation of the solution. The article illustrates the adaptation of action research by means of examples from two studies. The first study, based on a questionnaire, was carried out in the region of Ostrobothnia in Western Finland directed to delegates of council meetings interpreted between Finnish and Swedish. The other study comprises interpreter interviews on the subject of practical knowledge related to interpreting and interpreted events. The conclusions are that clients, organisers, interpreting agencies, institutions and other participants involved in the activity of interpreting should be widely included in the development of the field and that the outcome of the development should be thoroughly implemented in practice and reported to all those affected by it.

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