Käännöstieteen aihealue Tieteen termipankissa

Ehdotuksia käyttäjätietoisen näkökulman ja käännöstutkijan sanastotyön edistämiseksi


  • Päivi Pasanen Helsingin yliopisto
  • Ritva Hartama-Heinonen Helsingin yliopisto




terminology work, The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences, Translation Studies, translation researchers, audience awareness


This article describes the first findings and the framework of our project that focuses on how Finnish translation researchers have enhanced and can enhance the terminology of their field through continuous and persistent voluntary terminology work. The material examined consists of the terms that are related to translating and translation theory and included in the Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences (HTB), available online. Today, the field of Translation Studies is represented in the HTB by 327 terms and their definitions, many of which are drafts and not full entries. The aim of our project is to describe and evaluate the status of the terminology currently available and to propose some further lines of development for the HTB, on the one hand, and for translation researchers’ collaborative terminology work, on the other. In this article, we present some tentative proposals which include an outline of what can be called the best HTB practices for Translation Studies. The approach to terminology work and the emphasis which we advocate in our article implies a transition from researcher-centredness towards audience awareness which, in our project, means an increased awareness of the Term Bank users and their needs.


