Ihmistieteellinen tutkimuskonteksti kääntämisen tilana

Kääntäminen ja tulkkaus osana väitöskirjatutkijoiden työtä


  • Esa Penttilä Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Juha Lång Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Helka Riionheimo Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Juho Suokas Itä-Suomen yliopisto
  • Erja Vottonen Itä-Suomen yliopisto




research translation, qualitative research, human sciences, positivism, social constructionism


This article discusses the role of translation in multilingual research context. The aim is to create an overview of the different situations in which translation from one language to another takes place in a research process. The data analysed in the study has been collected in two courses organized for PhD students in the Doctoral Programme in Social and Cultural Encounters at the University of Eastern Finland. The courses concentrated on research translation, and the material collected for the present study contains the students’ preliminary assignments, final reflections and feedback forms from the courses. The analysis shows that translation as such is a multifaceted phenomenon that takes various forms and penetrates the whole research process. Before taking the course, the participants of the study had mainly been unaware of the large role that translation plays in their research, but during the course they became familiar with some of the translational issues as well as learned possible solutions to some of the problems that translation poses in their research.


