Minne menet, kääntäjänkoulutus? Muuttuvat sisällöt ja menetelmät
This paper is a report of the proceedings of a workshop about the future of Finnish translator and interpreter training, held at the VI KäTu symposium on translation and interpreting research on the 12th of April, 2008. The main challenge faced by Finnish universities training translators is how to develop their curricula in order to respond to the changing needs of society and the market in spite of staff cuts and scarcity of funding. One of the most pressing issues is planning new courses that will qualify MA graduates to apply for the authorised translator’s status without taking a separate exam. The training should also be more closely linked to the practice of professional translation. To compensate for the scarcity of funding, increased cooperation is needed particularly among departments of translation, both within each university and among universities. The number of joint courses and the amount of web-based studying will probably increase. Changes in teaching methods are also called for: it is important to explore the possibilities of multi-lingual teaching involving Finnish and more than one foreign language.
Copyright (c) 2008 Minna Ruokonen

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