Koronavirustaudin kehysmalli kriisiviestinnässä
COVID-19, kehysperustainen terminologia, kehysmalli, kriisiviestintäAbstrakti
During the surge of the coronavirus disease COVID-19, the need to disseminate accurate information and bridge the communicative gap between professionals and laypeople was urgent. During a pandemic, the role of mass media as well as translators and interpreters is essential in the distribution of information to all citizens. To facilitate the work of translators and interpreters, the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament has published the COVID-19 event frame (Termcoord 2020), which is based on Frame-based Terminology (see e.g. Faber 2015). In this paper, I report the results of the study on the creation of a parallel COVID-19 event frame based on a Finnish online corpus of news (Yle) and a Finnish ad hoc corpus of newspaper articles (HS). The study employed the methods of Frame-based Terminology. It is our aim that the frame could be useful in crisis communication for different stakeholders, including translators and interpreters.
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