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Nordistiset näkökulmat ja käännöstiede
Translation Studies, Scandinavian Studies, translation research, visibility, Finnish language, Swedish languageAbstract
This article focuses on the approach to translation research which in Finnish can be called nordistinen and in Swedish nordistisk (‘Scandinavian’), and endeavours to describe and discuss the nexus between Scandinavian Studies and Translation Studies. We have earlier examined the visibility of research into translation within Scandinavian Studies in the 2010s. In this paper, we change the constellation, and study how Scandinavian aspects can be observed within Translation Studies. The research material consists of three Finnish scientific publications from 2010 to 2018; the articles in them, 425 in total, are mainly based on conference papers, and thereby, reflect the state of the art. Our results are tentative, that is, the language pair of Swedish and Finnish as a research object is more or less invisible in these articles, but this also concerns other language pairs. Our study can, however, contribute to the discussion by offering a cross-section of the present research, demonstrating the state of Scandinavian-languages-related translation research with respect to our specific vantage point and context.

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