Presuppositiot ja kääntäminen
Miten implisiittinen informaatio käännetään?
pragmatiikka, semantiikka, presuppositio, kääntäminen, implisiittinen informaatioAbstrakti
Presuppositions have been studied both in semantics and in pragmatics. It is a complex phenomenon and researchers have not yet found consensus about how presuppositions should be defined. There is a great deal of variation between semantics and pragmatics, even inside of these above-mentioned schools of linguistics. Semantics considers presupposition as a logical relation between sentences whereas pragmatics concentrates on communication and the implicit character of presuppositions. According to pragmatics, presuppositions are the property of the speaker and they are used to convey implicit meaning in communication when it is impossible to express something directly. Therefore, they are an essential part of communication. Translation studies have noticed the importance of presuppositions for the communicative situation between the sender of a message and its recipient, in this case, the writer and his audience. It is important to take into consideration the implicit information when translating in order to avoid misinterpretations. If all aspects of communication are included in the translation, the communicative act is successful. This paper presents the different definitions of presupposition and reflects on how the implicit information conveyed by presuppositions is handled in translations.

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