Onko ei-kaupallisten verkkosivujen kääntäminen globaalille yleisölle lokalisointia? Käsitteiden ja termien pohdintaa
verkkosivujen kääntäminen, lokalisointi, internationalisointi, globalisointi, glokalisointi, käänteinen lokalisointiAbstrakti
This article discusses the notion of website localization and how the definitions of the notion apply to the phenomenon of adapting non-commercial informative websites to international audiences. The phenomenon differs to such an extent from the various other contexts usually discussed in connection with web localization that the traditional definitions of localization do not seem totally applicable to it. In addition to various definitions of localization, the article also reviews various other closely related concepts and contemplates whether they would suit the activities involved in creating non-commercial informative websites for international audiences better than the traditional notion of localization does. The discussion is primarily theoretical, but by determining the activities involved in this particular type of website translation, the article hopes to offer ideas that also benefit practical website translation. The article ends with a suggestion as to what term could be used to describe the “localization” of digital material to international audiences (especially in non-commercial contexts).

Tämä työ on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä-EiKaupallinen 4.0 Kansainvälinen Julkinen -lisenssillä.