Vieraalle kielelle käännetyt lehdistötiedotteet yrityksen viestinnässä
Press releases are one means that enterprises use in order to increase customers’ and other inter-est groups’ knowledge of their business operations and products. This article describes briefly how press releases were written, translated, revised and accepted in one international company in Finland. The aim of the actual study is firstly to investigate if the native revisors of the press releases translated into the foreign language tried to decrease the conventionality of the translated texts caused by the translation process itself or translation into the foreign language. In this study, conventionality means that translated texts contain more conventional lexis and grammar than similar texts originally produced in a given language. Secondly, the study investigates if the native revisors tried to make the translated texts fit the conventions of special-field press releases better. The preliminary results seem to confirm both hypotheses.
Copyright (c) 2007 Anna-Elina Hirvonen

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