Automaattinen kielentarkastus ja elektroniset sanakirjat seminaarityön kirjoittajan apuvälineenä
This study has its focus on the functions of a language tool that proofreads texts in Swedish. The interest lies on how a group of university students (L2) understands and applies the aid that the language tool Svefix provides. Svefix, a proofing module for MS Word is the outcome of cooperation between Lingsoft and Research Institute for the Languages of Finland. The article focuses on discussing if some mistakes which have been left in the students’ texts after the automatic control could have been corrected by using electronic dictionaries and how it could have been done. The study shows that the information given in the electronic dictionaries is in some cases very useful. At the same time there seems to be a need to decrease the amount of equivalents and to update the contents. Especially a limited list of entries seems to be a function that could improve the usability of the language tool.
Copyright (c) 2007 Nina Pilke

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