Huonokuuloisten katsojien näkemyksiä eduskunnan kyselytuntien automaattisesta ohjelmatekstityksestä
huonokuuloiset, ohjelmatekstitys, puheentunnistusAbstract
Intralingual subtitles are subtitles written in the same language as the audio track of an audio-visual broadcast. The target audiences for intralingual subtitles are those with difficulties in comprehending the spoken narrative or dialogue. This article presents the feedback from a group of hard-of-hearing people on intralingual subtitling produced by a speech recognition program. The feedback was collected as a part of a larger research program using the focus group discussion method. The hard-of-hearing focus group commented on the readability, visual representation, flawlessness, and speaker identification of the intralingual subtitling. They listed ideas for enhancing the overall ease of following the broadcast and proposed improvements in the technical implementation, understandability, and quality of the subtitling. The group also wished that the subtitles would show more detail such as the speaker's specific word choices and dialect.

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