Kääntämisen ja käännöstieteen myyttinen ulottuvuus


  • Ritva Hartama-Heinonen Helsingin yliopisto




käännöstiede, kääntäminen, kääntämisen kosmologia, myytit, mytologia, dikotomiat


In this article, translation is approached as a reflection of translational, translatorial, and translation-theoretical myths in their different manifestations with varying truth value. Drawing on insights from the philosophy of science and semiotics, the mythical aspect of translating and translations is first discussed with respect to the role of myths in science and research and to the nature of translation-theoretical knowledge. The author then focuses on the following questions: is translating a case of action that conveys the general or the particular; is “myth” a type of speech even in Translation Studies and a building block in the cosmology of translation; what is the status of dichotomies in translating and translation strategies, in translation studies, and in the work of translation theorists; and finally, what makes a translation-theoretical myth a living myth.


