Kääntäjäopiskelijoiden suhtautuminen käännösteknologiaan


  • Leena Salmi Turun yliopisto




käännösteknologia, tietotekniikka, kyselytutkimus


This paper reports on a survey on translator students’ attitudes towards translation technology (TT). The questionnaire was filled in by 165 translator students at two universities who took an introductory course in TT. The course included an introduction to topics such as machine translation, translation memories, and corpora. The questionnaire contained 30 questions about the role of TT in translating, its influence on the translation work, and its role in innovating the translation work. The data was analysed statistically, using factor analysis. The following six factors emerged: information contents and work, sociability, information processing, technology as a tool, professional competence and changes in the roles. The results indicate statistically significant differences in that students who had more experience in using computers saw the role of TT as a social media environment, and that students who had work experience in translation had a more skeptical view towards TT than students without work experience.


