Ohjelmatekstityksen laatu ja saavutettavuus vastaanottajan näkökulmasta
ohjelmatekstitys, vastaanottotutkimusAbstrakti
Since 1983 the Finnish Broadcasting Company, Yle, has served the Deaf and Hard of hearing (D/HH) audience by providing subtitles for TV programmes in Finnish and Swedish. In 2011 the Act regarding subtitling and audio description services came into effect stipulating public service TV channels (i.e. Yle) to offer subtitles for D/HH in all TV programmes (with certain exceptions) by the end of the year 2016. For commercial TV channels the stipulation is less demanding: only 50% of programme hours.
The data presented in this article is based on a survey – first in this dimension in Finland – where the quality and accessibility criteria of subtitling provided by public service and commercial TV channels are examined. Among the 114 persons that submitted the query 91% claimed to use subtitles to improve speech perception to various extent, and for 37% of respondents sub-titling was vital. Most respondents (69%) appreciated subtitles that render speech faithfully; 71% preferred subtitles where colours were used to differentiate speakers. Conventions between different channels vary as well as accessibility to the subtitling services provided by commercial channels.

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