Käännös- ja tekstuaalitieteiden risteyksessä
Raportti konferenssista Trextuality – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Translated and Multilingual Texts 7.–9.9.2023
trekstuaalisuus, käännöstiede, tekstuaalitiedeAbstract
The Finnish Literature Society and the University of Turku organized an international conference in Turku in September 2023, aimed at scholars with an interest in translation, transmission, and textual scholarship. Translation studies and textual scholarship share many research interests, such as the processes involved in creating translations, the production of multilingual texts, and the networks related to translation. These themes were well-represented throughout the conference, with the most prevalent topics among the presenters including archival research, materiality, and genetic criticism. Articles based on the presentations are currently being collected for an edited volume.
Hallamaa, Olli, Tuomas Heikkilä, Hanna Karhu, Sakari Katajamäki, Ossi Kokko & Veijo Pulkkinen 2010. Tekstuaalitieteiden sanasto. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
Van Hulle, Dirk 2019. Textual Scholarship. Teoksessa: Simon Eliot & Jonathan Rose (toim.) Companion to the History of the Book. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 19–30.
Ivaska, Laura, Sakari Katajamäki, Tiina Holopainen, Hanna Karhu, Lauri A. Niskanen & Outi Paloposki 2020. Trekstuaaliset tilat: käännöstieteen ja tekstuaalitieteiden rajavyöhykkeellä. MikaEL 13: 124–137. https://doi.org/10.61200/mikael.129325
Kööpenhaminan yliopisto s.d. What is textual scholarship? Saatavissa: https://nors.ku.dk/english/research/textual-scholarship/about/ [viitattu 8.4.2024].
Trextuality 2023. Kirjoituskutsu. Saatavissa: https://www.finlit.fi/tutkimus/menneet-tutkimustapahtumat-tutkimus/ [viitattu 8.4.2024].
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