Exempel på undervisning om judendomen i Sverige


  • Gunnel Borgegård Uppsala


Education, Schools, Textbooks, Education -- Curriculum, Christianity and Judaism, Sweden, Religious education, Swedish language, Judaism -- History, Bible -- Versions for children


In the Swedish branch of the International Council of Christians and Jews, called “Samarbetsrådet för judar och kristna”, the committee concerned with presentation of Judaism and Christianity in educational material for all levels, has until now mainly been looking at how Judaism is introduced in books for pupils, aged 7-12. The study has also included Barnens Bibel (The Children’s Bible) by Anne de Vries. The main question has been how Judaism is introduced to Swedish school children. Is Judaism presented in the way a Jew would like it to be presented concerning creed, life, history and the state of Israel? The study provides evidence that Judaism is mostly presented as something imperfect. Judaism is not respected in and for itself and not looked upon as an independent conception of life. Swedish ethnocentricity pervades all the material. The striving for emotional identification subdues knowledge of history. The Children’s Bible is not a simplified Bible, but a Christian interpretation of some parts of the Hebrew Bible, that prepares the children for an interpretation of the Christian Bible.



Referera så här

Borgegård, G. (1986). Exempel på undervisning om judendomen i Sverige. Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies, 7(1), 35–41. https://doi.org/10.30752/nj.69403