A Swedish notice from the middle of the 18th century on the Jews of New York


  • Nils Martola Åbo akademi


Jews -- United States, Voyages and travels, Sweden, Finland, Diaries


Per Kalm was born in 1716 in Sweden, the son of a family of Lutheran clergymen from the province of Ostrobothnia. He began his studies in natural sciences at Åbo Akademi in 1735, moved to Uppsala University in 1740, and soon became one of Carl Gustaf Linné’s foremost disciples. Pehr Kalm was considered as one of the purest exponents of 18th century Enlightenment and rationalism in Sweden/Finland. In October 1747 he commenced his journey to America, and returned to Stockholm in June 1751. His primary objective was to collect seeds of plants and trees considered to be economically useful for Sweden. During the journey Kalm kept a detailed diary in which he wrote observations on the weather, on plans and agricultural matters, on sundry customs among ethnic groups he met, reported discussions with different people, and made extracts from sources he deemed interesting.



Referera så här

Martola, N. (1994). A Swedish notice from the middle of the 18th century on the Jews of New York. Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies, 15(1-2), 121–127. https://doi.org/10.30752/nj.69514