About the Journal

Ortodoksia is an academic, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the theology, culture, and traditions of the Orthodox Church. It invites research articles focusing on theology, history, and arts, as well as review articles on contemporary issues, introductions to recent academic research, book reviews, and obituaries of persons who contributed to Orthodoxy and its research.

Ortodoksia is the only academically profiled journal on Orthodox theology in Finland. It is also one of the oldest theological journals in Finland. The first issue of the journal was published in 1933.

Ortodoksia publishes one issue per yer. The launch of a new issue traditionally takes place during the autumn gathering of the Orthodox Clergy Association (26 September).

Since 2016, Ortodoksia has been published both in print (ISSN 0355-5690) and online. Printed copies are purchased through Tiedekirja. Ortodoksia has been granted the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications and it is classified on level 1 on the Finnish Publication Forum (2018).


The language of Ortodoksia is Finnish, but submissions in Swedish and English will also be considered for publication.

Peer review policy

Ortodoksia accepts only original manuscripts that have not been published or submitted for review in another publishing forum, unless the editorial board decides to make an exception. The editorial board is in charge of accepting the manuscript for review and publication. If the manuscript does not comply with the author guidelines, it will be sent back to the author for corrections.

The manuscripts submitted for peer review undergo a rigorous double blind (anonymous) evaluation. Two specialists of the research field in question will be invited to assess the scientific quality of the manuscript. The reviewers are PhD level researchers or other expert parties external to the editorial board and independent in relation to the author.

The reviewers will focus on the comprehensiveness of the material and the mastering of the theoretical framework, reliability and accuracy of the research implementation and analysis, as well as the originality and novelty of the research problem and the results in relation to earlier research. The reviewers submit their evaluation in written form on the publishing platform or by e-mail to the editorial board, indicating their recommendation of the acceptance, conditional acceptance (requiring major / minor revisions, requiring another round of review), or rejection of the submission. If the recommendations vary considerably, a third reviewer will be assigned. The peer-review process takes approximately three–five months.

The editors will send the written reviews, possibly complemented with their own comments, to the author(s). The author is expected to revise the manuscript on the basis of thereviews and the editors' comments. The author is expected to send a revised manuscript and a list of notes (or a commented text file) on how the reviewers' requests have been met. If necessar,y the manuscript will undergo a second round of evaluation. The final decision of acceptance is made by the editorial board.

The documentation of the peer-review process will be stored in the journal's editorial system at Journal.fi for fifteen years.

Open access policy, licence, and copyright

Ortodoksia is a fully open access journal that can be read without charge. There are no article processing charges for the author. The users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute and print its content for any lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. The journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. The author holds the copyright of their article without restrictions.

Responsible conduct of research 

Ortodoksia is committed to promoting the responsible conduct of research and expects the authors and reviewers to carefully observe the ethical princicples throughout the publishing process.