Karismaattinen politiikka demokratian demokratisoitumisena?
The main points of discussion in this article are the relationship between the concepts of charisma and the modern, and how these concepts are formulated in Finnish politics.Weberian charisma is defined as a modernist phenomenon which may have actual significance as one possible way to democratize democracy. However, charisma as the existence and effect of subjective values and personal leadership are not as such enough for the criteria of democratization of democracy. Represented discourse where the principles of authority are in fact defined is suggested as the one further criterion.Lataukset
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Pekonen, K. (1990). Karismaattinen politiikka demokratian demokratisoitumisena?. Politiikka, 32(3), 157–166. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/150873
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