Puolueiden identiteettiä etsimässä:
Neljän puolueen vaaliohjelmien tarkastelua myöhäismodernin silmin
In this article I compare the identity of four Finnish parties in their election programs in 1970 and 1995. My hypothesis is that the change in society from industrial (modern) to post-industrial (post-modern) has influenced the way parties see themselves and their plans for the future. Firstly, my comparison shows that in 1970 parties identified themselves as agents of some class or group in society, but in 1995 they appealed to all population groups. Secondly, losing faith in the future of parties seems to be a common attitude. In 1970 every party listed many renovations, but in 1995 playing politics was more short-spanned action. In 1970 parties legitimated their existence and their political ambitions with ideology and rationality, whereas in 1995 they refered to values. In conclusion I discuss the alternatives of parties in the future.Lataukset
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Mickelsson, R. (1996). Puolueiden identiteettiä etsimässä:: Neljän puolueen vaaliohjelmien tarkastelua myöhäismodernin silmin. Politiikka, 38(2), 75–85. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/politiikka/article/view/151143
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