Metsäsektorin polkuriippuvuus ja metsien energiakäytön rajat
In this study we show how the implementation of the Finnish bioenergy policy has faced problems due to path dependencies of forest and energy policies as well as unexpected events. With the help of complexity theory we aim to answer to the question: how and why policy fails. A case study on the small scale wood subsidies in Finland shows how legislation accepted by the Finnish Parliament was never put into effect because of forest industry’s resistance and EU’s state subsidy principles. The study shows how complexity theory concepts like path dependency and feedback can be deployed to interpret policy failures.Lataukset
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Rytteri, T., & Kortelainen, J. (2015). Metsäsektorin polkuriippuvuus ja metsien energiakäytön rajat. Politiikka, 57(1), 18–32. Noudettu osoitteesta
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