Teollinen kulttuuriperintö liiketoiminnan resurssina

Noormarkun ruukki ja tuotteistettu perintö


  • Maatit Grahn


Industrial cultural heritage as business resource: The Noormarkku ironworks and the use of cultural heritage in brand building

Companies use their cultural heritage to create and maintain their identity, consolidate their legitimacy and to promote business. International studies of business administration refer to this phenomenon as history management. This article examines how a family business utilizes its history and the history of the industrial family as well as the buildings that symbolize the company’s historical roots in developing local business. This phenomenon is studied from the point of view of management of changes but also from the point of view of reusing and preserving the cultural heritage.




Grahn, M. (2014). Teollinen kulttuuriperintö liiketoiminnan resurssina: Noormarkun ruukki ja tuotteistettu perintö. Tekniikan Waiheita, 32(2), 19–35. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/64112