Eetterikokeista eetteriskeptisyyteen

Michaelsonin ja Morleyn vuoden 1887 kokeesta Lodgen eetterikokeisiin


  • Ari J. Tervashonka


From ether experiments to ether skepticism: Development of Michelson Morley experiment towards Lodge’s experimentsChange from absolute reference frame by Isaac Newton towards relative physics by Albert Einstein was a slow theoretical process that took decades. During this time ether experiments had a role in this development. This article studies technological change from Michelson Morley experiment (1887) towards renewed versions carried out by Oliver Lodge. Experiments that Lodge did were developed further ideas from original Michelson Morley experiment that was optical. Lodge added to this study also electrical and magnetic phenomenon to gain further knowledge. This development was driven by dissatisfaction towards Michelson Morley experiment that did not find any evidence for the existence of ether. Ether was thought to be the medium substance that was vesicle for magnetic, electric, thermal and optical phenomena. It was believed that through this medium we could explain how these phenomena worked and it was understood in a mechanistic manner. Lodge used similar reasoning while developing further original Michelson Morley experiment to prove the existence of ether.




Tervashonka, A. J. (2017). Eetterikokeista eetteriskeptisyyteen: Michaelsonin ja Morleyn vuoden 1887 kokeesta Lodgen eetterikokeisiin. Tekniikan Waiheita, 35(3), 45–58. Noudettu osoitteesta