Tekniikan ammattilaisia on jo tutkittu
Miksi siis tutkimme insinöörejä tulevaisuudessakin?
History of engineers has already been researched. So why would we study them also in the future?Engineers, their education and work became a more regularly studied topic among Finnish historians in the 1990´s. From that on, a substantial number of research has been dedicated to the history of engineers. Also recently, several works have focused to this particular profession who is largely responsible for the operations of a modern society. This article examinesthe Finnish research on the history on engineers, its past and present works. Some engineer related topics that could be examinedmore closely in the future are also discussed.Viittaaminen
Kaataja, S. (2018). Tekniikan ammattilaisia on jo tutkittu: Miksi siis tutkimme insinöörejä tulevaisuudessakin?. Tekniikan Waiheita, 36(1), 67–77. Noudettu osoitteesta https://journal.fi/tekniikanwaiheita/article/view/82353