Designing Terminal Encounters with Erikson and Kübler-Ross for Life Before Death


  • Tomi "bgt" Suovuo Turun yliopisto
  • Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero United Lutheran Seminary
  • Jani Koskinen Turun yliopisto
  • Erkki Sutinen Turun yliopisto


Designing digital interaction for people facing the end-of-life at an early or middle adult life is a challenging task. The user, who may be a person of similar age, culture and social status as the designers, is nevertheless living in a reality nothing short of alien to them. For the designer, approaching the users and considering their circumstances – their reality is extremely stressful. A theoretical framework is built to help the designers. Two psychological theories that address the end-of-life have been fused together through the Grounded Theory paradigm. The first theory is the Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development, focusing primarily on the ninth stage. The second theory is the Kübler-Ross’s Five Stages of Grief, taken in her original, non-sequential manner describing a person’s grief over their own demise (preparatory grief) rather than more general grief. Co-Design, Agile and Design Science Research are brought together with this theoretical framework to assist the user to face their own death and to realistically appreciate that reality, which gives the designers solid ground on which to stand, when facing this ultimate application area. The outcome is a framework of 13 categories of human desires at end-of-life, accompanied with conceptual ideas of how to meet these desires with digital solutions.

Kirjoittajien biografiat

Tomi "bgt" Suovuo, Turun yliopisto

Tomi “bgt” Suovuo is finishing up his Ph.D. thesis on Computer Science at University of Turku in 2022. His M.Sc. academic studies also include minor degrees on  Mathematics, Philosophy and Psychology. His main research interests include Interaction Design, Game Research and Mediated Interaction. He co-authored the book “Handbook on Interactive Storytelling” in 2021

Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero, United Lutheran Seminary

Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero is the Steck-Miller Assistant Professor of Worship and Liturgy at United Lutheran Seminary in Pennsylvania, USA. He earned his PhD from Graduate Theological Union in California, USA, writing his dissertation on liturgical rites for sickness and healing. Previously, he served as Director of Digital Learning and Lecturer at Graduate Theological Union, bringing together his liturgical/theological scholarship with his technological skills, and he is a founding member of the Global Network for Digital Theology.

Jani Koskinen, Turun yliopisto

Jani Koskinen, Ph.D., is Senior Researcher at the  Information Systems Science, Turku School of Ecnomomics, University of Turku.  His research interests cover e.g. data economy/ecosystems, ethical IS development methodologies, information ownership and  eHealth form ethical perspective. See more

Erkki Sutinen, Turun yliopisto

Erkki Sutinen is Professor of Computer Science (Interaction design), leading the plug-in campus ( of University of Turku, Finland, in Windhoek, Namibia. Erkki has been researching educational technology, Computing education, ICT4D, and co-design. An ordained Lutheran priest, his current interests include digital theology.





