Nuorten kokemat elämänmuutokset vanhemman kuoleman jälkeen


  • Anna-Maija Rajamäki Tampereen yliopisto
  • Anja Terkamo-Moisio University of Helsinki
  • Anna Liisa Aho Tampere University



Adolescent, Death of a parent, Life changes, Grief


Life changing caused by the death of a parent experienced at a young age


Death of a parent is one of the most painful and detrimental experiences for a young person which changes one’s life permanently. The purpose of this study was to describe the life changes the adolescent experienced after losing one of their parents at a young age.

The data consisted of responses collected from the persons who have lost their parent at a young age (n=86). The data was collected with an electronic questionnaire among members of two national peer-support organizations. The questionnaire consisted of closed questions regarding the background factors of the participants and one open-ended question of the life changes after the parent’s death.

The open-ended question was analyzed by inductive content analysis.

The greatest life changes after the death of their parent were described to include changes in selfhood, disturbed balance of life and alterations in everyday life. However, the participants described also increasing mental strength. The changes in selfhood were related to mental burden, changes in self-image, increased melancholy and changes in emotional behavior. Disturbed balance of life was described by disruption of general sense of security, breakage of integrity and fragility of health. Consolidation of mental well-being was associated with experiencing post-traumatic growth and psychological strengthening. The changes in everyday life were related with balancing in studies and working life, growth into taking responsibilities and changes in daily routines as well as family dynamics.

The life changes after the death of a parent are comprehensively associated with the psychological and physical well-being of the young person as well as his/her life circumstances. The described changes of family dynamics were highlighted in the results of this study.





