Afterlife Imagery in Sweden: The Role of Continuing Bonds


  • Annika Jonsson Karlstad University
  • Lars Aronsson Karlstad University


This article investigates how images of the afterlife are conveyed both on- and offline by people in Sweden identifying as mediums, spiritualists, spiritual, agnostics or atheists. It also explores whether the images encountered can be traced back to a relational or non-relational social imaginary. In this particular context, a relational imaginary facilitates relationships between the living and the dead. Such relationships are referred to as continuing bonds in a growing body of work. In contrast, a non-relational imaginary may promote relationships between human and nonhuman beings or ignore relationships altogether. The ambition is thus twofold – to excavate images of the afterlife and to discuss what separates these images on a deeper level in terms of the concept of the imaginary. The empirical material consists of face-to-face interviews and online observations.

Author Biographies

Annika Jonsson, Karlstad University

PhD Annika Jonsson (communicating author) is a senior lecturer at the Department of Social and Psychological Studies, Karlstad University, Sweden. In 2014 she was awarded an international postdoc and has since been a visiting scholar at the Centre for Death and Society (University of Bath) and Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (University of Edinburgh). Her research interests include personal, interactional and cultural dimensions of continuing bonds.

Lars Aronsson, Karlstad University

Lars Aronsson is professor of Human Geography at Karlstad University, Sweden. His research interests over the years have mainly centred on the concepts of place, time and space, culture issues, local and regional planning and development, tourism, and continuing bonds and agents and spaces of afterlife.


