Åter till Ålborg

En struktureringsteoretisk tolkning av Flyvbjergs studie


  • Jarre Parkatti Aalto-universitetet


planning theory, town planning, power/knowledge, structuration theory


Flyvbjerg’s Aalborg study has contributed to the shift from communicative planning theory towards poststructuralism. However, it has theoretical shortcomings that have never been fully elucidated. Flyvbjerg’s inconsistent use of Foucault and his simplistic view of natural versus social science continue to influence research. Instead of correcting the deficiencies of the study, I substitute structurationist underpinnings for its purportedly Foucauldian ones – sparing its empirical content. This I consider a fruitful move, which allows taking planning expertise seriously, as in fact Flyvbjerg does. His ambition of solving the conflict between Habermas and Foucault on the problem of modernity must nevertheless be abandoned.




How to Cite

Parkatti, J. (2021). Åter till Ålborg: En struktureringsteoretisk tolkning av Flyvbjergs studie. The Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 59(1), 33–55. https://doi.org/10.33357/ys.100156