Maaseudulla kaupungissa

Osallistava paikkatieto ja muut menetelmät Rovaniemen maaseutualueiden maankäytön suunnittelussa


  • Seija Tuulentie Luonnonvarakeskus
  • Sini Kantola Oulun yliopisto, Luonnonvarakeskus


Land-use planning; urban Arctic; participation; PPGIS; sparse population


The possibilities of PPGIS to improve participation in rural planning in Rovaniemi In the northern areas, the land is often publicly owned outside the city center, and there are many interests focusing on the same areas. Land-use pressures lead to specific management challenges. The state of participatory practices and the potential of spatial participatory method, PPGIS, were examined in the context of the rural areas of Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland. Attitudes towards PPGIS were positive but the utilisation of all participation data was regarded weak. Challenges of the participation were associated with poor communication, insufficient information, and lack of trust.



How to Cite

Tuulentie, S., & Kantola, S. (2021). Maaseudulla kaupungissa: Osallistava paikkatieto ja muut menetelmät Rovaniemen maaseutualueiden maankäytön suunnittelussa. The Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 59(2-3), 80–101.