Ekogentrifikaatio suomalaisessa kaupunkikehityksessä

Eco-gentrification in Finnish urban development


  • Helena Leino
  • Antti Wallin Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta
  • Markus Laine Tampereen yliopisto, Johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunta


Sustainable city, Gentrification, Ecogentrification, Urban greening, Urban development


The politics of sustainable development has integrated as a part of Finnish urban development. Sustainable urban development measures, such as brownfield regeneration, public transit investments, urban greening and environmental protection are widely supported. Yet, these efforts unintentionally or sometimes intentionally cause social implications. Sustainable urban development sometimes goes hand-in-hand with gentrification, and may thus result to a sustainable city in which only affluent people can afford to live in. We analyse eco-gentrification in the Finnish context. Eco-gentrification means spatial socio-economic enhancement that is intentionally or unintentionally carried out by symbolic and/or material ecological improvements. We focus on three different examples of eco-gentrification in Tampere: eco-friendly urban densification, brownfield regeneration and green and historical neighborhood. We illustrate how central location, wide range of services, good public transit and environmental and scenic amenities cause residential differentiation. This dynamic increases the uniform social structure of distinguished neighbourhoods and decreases opportunities for social diversification in urban planning. 




How to Cite

Leino, H., Wallin, A., & Laine, M. (2022). Ekogentrifikaatio suomalaisessa kaupunkikehityksessä: Eco-gentrification in Finnish urban development . The Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 60(2), 10–32. Retrieved from https://journal.fi/yhdyskuntasuunnittelu/article/view/110984