Mitä asemakaava määrää?

Resurssiviisauden ulottuvuudet Vantaalla vuosina 2015–2019 hyväksyttyjen asemakaavojen määräyksissä


  • Mari Jaakonaho Tampereen yliopisto


kaupunkisuunnittelu, asemakaava, asemakaavasuunnittelu, asemakaavamääräykset, resurssiviisaus.


In this study I investigate how and to what extent the 152 local detailed plans, approved in in between 2015-2019 regulate the themes for resource wise city. The study serves as a cross section of the present state of local detailed planning and also provides a previously unrecognized view on how local detailed plan function as a tool for a city striving towards urban resource wisdom.

The methodology of the study is content analysis, which is based on qualitative thematization and classification of the planning regulations in the data set, as well as quantitative analysis of these themes and classes.

As the results of the analysis I demonstrate that during the reference period the occurrence rate of the themes of detail plan regulations supporting urban resource wisdom has increased in two thirds of the themes under investigation.

I will also show that implementation of the KEKO eco-efficiency planning tool during the planning process increases significantly the occurrence rate of the themes supporting urban resource wisdom in the local detailed plans under study.




How to Cite

Jaakonaho, M. (2021). Mitä asemakaava määrää? : Resurssiviisauden ulottuvuudet Vantaalla vuosina 2015–2019 hyväksyttyjen asemakaavojen määräyksissä. The Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 59(2-3), 9–33.