Ingredients of attractive housing


  • Jenni Kuoppa Tampereen yliopisto
  • Sini Saarimaa Tampereen yliopisto
  • Sampo Ruoppila Turun yliopisto
  • Markus Laine Tampereen yliopisto
  • Niina Nieminen Turun yliopisto
  • Risto Haverinen Turun yliopisto


housing experiences, user-centric housing design, affordances, photo-elicitation, focus groups


The article examines the ingredients of attractive housing and perceived quality factors from the dweller’s perspective. It produces detailed and qualitative understanding of the everyday experiences of dwellers. The explorative and participatory approach is based on the theory of affordances, which was applied in the analysis of focus group interviews guided by participant-produced photographs. The results reveal some desirable dwelling features which remain largely uncovered in the research literature. In the article these results are discussed also from the user-centered design perspective, contributing not only to housing research but also to the field of housing design.




How to Cite

Kuoppa, J., Saarimaa, S., Ruoppila, S., Laine, M., Nieminen, N., & Haverinen, R. (2020). Ingredients of attractive housing . The Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, 58(2), 10–32.