Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden oppimisen maisemat: haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia kielenopetuksen kehittämiselle


  • Juha Jalkanen
  • Peppi Taalas Jyväskylän yliopisto


pedagogical change, organisational change, multimodal language teaching, student attitudes, language repertoires, media use


Developing pedagogical practices is a process with many perspectives and layers. Language centre teaching in Finland is generally of a high quality and the teaching is organised and planned professionally. Change, however, is a constant, because the content and pedagogy of academic language teaching requires continual development. This article is about such a change process at the Language Centre at the University of Jyväskylä. It focuses on a student survey that was carried out as a part of the Centre’s development process. The survey results offer us important information and enhance our understanding of how students conceive language learning and multiculturalism, how they use media and what their language repertoires consist of. The results are presented and discussed from the perspective of the pedagogical development process.

