Työnantajan odotukset, työntekijän vastuu ja työyhteisön tuki. Näkökulmia korkeakoulutettujen maahanmuuttajien ammatillisen suomen oppimiseen


  • Johanna Komppa Helsingin yliopisto


suomi toisena kielenä, työkieli, työssäoppiminen, korkeakoulutetut maahanmuuttajat


The lack of (professional) Finnish language skills is often mentioned as preventing highly educated immigrants from gaining employment in Finland. At the same time, the supply of professional Finnish language courses for different professional fields is often very limited. The article studies how a work community employing highly educated immigrants can become more aware of language learning in the work place in addition to language classes. The viewpoints are based on an internet survey of members of the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce. The total number of responses was 144. According to the responses professional language seems to mean only professional vocabulary, and professional language skills are considered an attainment which should be worked towards outside of the work community. On the other hand, the responses point out that the work community may help the immigrant worker in many ways if the attitude to language learning is supportive.