Mitä kielitaidon arvioinnin pilottitesti paljastaa kotoutumisvaiheessa olevien korkeakoulutettujen suomenoppijoiden kirjoittamistaidosta?

Conducting a pilot study on academic writing skills of L2 Finnish learners using a digital testing tool


  • Nina Reiman Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Marja Seilonen Jyväskylän yliopisto


higher education, second language, writing


This article focuses on the writing skills of L2 learners who have moved to Finland in their adulthood, and who have completed their degree prior to arrival, or are qualified for higher education. The learners aim to finish their interrupted degree studies or complement a prior degree. It is therefore important for them to acquire writing skills sufficient for academic purposes. This paper presents some results of the qualitative analysis of learners’ writing performances in a digital pilot test of the National Certificate of Proficiency examination. The focus is on the overall performance in the test, the use of impersonal constructions, and the ability to vary formal and informal registers according to task and situation. Even though the writing skills seem lower than expected, the writers are able to use the necessive zero person constructions idiomatically. The ability to distinguish between registers, however, is not yet systematic.

Artikkelia on päivitetty 19.9.2022.