Kielitaitojen kirjo käyttöön, limittäiskieleilyä luokkaan

Diversity of linguistic expertises and translanguaging in the classroom


  • Heini Lehtonen Helsingin yliopisto


kielellinen moninaisuus, luokkahuonevuorovaikutus, limittäiskieleilyn pedagogiikka, kielitietoisuus, toimintatutkimus


This paper focuses on pedagogical practices that enhance language awareness and encourage the use of the pupils’ diverse linguistic repertoires in the classroom. The paper is based on the sociolinguistically informed action research project Itä-Helsingin uudet Suomen kielet. The data for this paper come from video recordings of the projects’ workshops as well as interviews with the teachers. I describe the ways in which the pupils take the role of language experts in the project workshops and analyze how the project changed the pedagogical thinking and practices of the teachers. The analysis shows that transforming the monolingual institutional space into a translanguaging space is possible with language awareness and translanguaging pedagogy. In the translanguaging space, registers from different contexts encounter in shared practices, which allows learning beyond the borders of languages. Action research proves to be a fruitful way for implementing research knowledge and ideas in practice.


