Kielen ja sisällön integrointi: alakohtaiset kieli- ja tekstikäytänteet aineenopetuksessa

Content and language integration: disciplinary language and literacy practices in content-area teaching


  • Sari Sulkunen Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Tarja Nikula Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Leila Kääntä Jyväskylän yliopisto


CLIL, tiedonalan tekstikäytänteet, aineenopetus, perusopetus


Integrating the teaching of disciplinary language and literacy practices and content knowledge has been a key concern in many educational contexts. This article focuses on disciplinary language and literacy in content-area teaching in basic education, a shared concern for teaching regardless of the language of instruction (L1, L2, FL). First, we describe two distinct traditions into studying and teaching disciplinary language and literacy: disciplinary literacy teaching and content and language integrated learning (CLIL). We then introduce two practical pedagogical examples on how language and literacy are integrated into content-area teaching. Finally, we discuss future directions and implications for both research on and teaching of disciplinary language and literacy.