Diskurssintutkimuksen menetelmiä digitaalisen retoriikan tutkimuksessa


  • Lotta Lehti Helsingin yliopisto ja Turun yliopisto
  • Maria Eronen-Valli Vaasan yliopisto


digitaalinen retoriikka, diskurssianalyysi, eetos, argumentaatio


Digital rhetoric is an emerging field, not yet very known among researchers and students in Finland. The term ‘digital rhetoric’ refers both to the production of persuasive digital texts and to their analysis. In this paper, we concentrate on the latter, the analysis, and we especially focus on the methods used in studies pertaining to digital rhetoric. Furthermore, instead of reviewing the variety of methods used in digital rhetoric research, we concentrate on how discourse analytic methods can be used in digital rhetoric research. We illustrate some of these uses through examples of studies on two rhetorical concepts in digital communication, namely ethosand argumentation. Our review shows that discourse analytic methods offer useful tools for the study of digital rhetoric.


