Tiedonalan kielen rakentuminen yläkoulun fysiikan oppitunnilla

Disciplinary language practices in lower secondary school physics lessons


  • Anne Tiermas Helsingin yliopisto


disciplinary language, language awareness, language learning, nexus analysis


This article focuses on social and linguistic practices in lower secondary school physics lessons. Using nexus analysis as the theoretical and methodological framework, the study seeks to answer two research questions: how disciplinary language is structured in texts and in classroom interaction and how students participate in disciplinary literacy practices with different linguistic resources. The data consists of texts (N=222), audio recordings (3 hours) and ethnographic field work data (36 hours). The analysis shows that disciplinary language in physics lessons is structured in multimodal manner and students’ engagement in classroom interaction is challenged by the social and linguistic practices used. This article suggests that students’ developing language skills and diverse linguistic repertoires in the classroom should be better considered in language-aware subject teaching.