Suomenoppijoiden toimijuus kotoutumiskoulutuksen yksilöllisissä ratkaisuissa

Finnish as a second language learners’ agency in the context of the individualised practices of Integration Training


  • Tanja Seppälä Jyväskylän yliopisto


Integration Training, Finnish as a second language, language learning, agency


This article examines migrants’ agency related to the individualised and flexible practices available in Integration Training in Finland, with a focus on migrants’ Finnish language learning. The research focused on migrants who have not been studied before, namely those entering training after it had already started. The data consist of background information and interviews of 17 migrants who studied in Integration Training in 2018–2020. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results show that the same practice can support the learner agency of some participants but limit the agency of others. The possibility to make choices about one’s own education varies, and choices are often related to beliefs about language proficiency. In the classroom and during work placement periods, some participants reported having had multiple chances to grasp affordances and use Finnish, others only a few. In summary, the individualised practices available in Integration Training appear to impact participants’ language learning variably, and participants’ wishes do not always align with the available practices.